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Keep your Union Member information current and up-to-date.

TSANews App

The TSA has released a new app dedicated to TSA employees. This app is designed to make communication for non-SSI related information more fluid across the TSA. This is an optional download and the TSA will not have the capability to identify individual users or user actions taken outside of the TSANews app.

New Members

If you have not received your AFGE Membership Card, more than likely the address on the form 1158-1 you submitted when joining AFGE Local 1039 was incorrect or misread, and your card was sent to AFGE Local 1039 Treasurer.  Contact Local 1039 Treasurer to make arrangement to pick up your AFGE Local 1039 membership card.


If you have any questions concerning your membership status, the TSA Voluntary Dues Deduction Form 1158-1, or require assistance in verifying your membership, contact your Local 1039 Treasurer.

Membership ID cards

All Local 1039 members should check their Union Membership Card, verify your card has not expired. If expired, visit AFGE.ORG sign-in to your account request a new membership card under "My Profile" page. 


Check your profile page verify your contact information is correct (Mailing Address, Personal Email Address, Phone NO.), update accordingly to ensure your receiving important mailed information from AFGE.  If your membership card is expired, or you are not a member in good-standing, contact your Local 1039 Treasurer and re-submit a Form 1158-1.


TSA provides employees with FMLA; however, TSA employees fall under a Fitness for Duty and TSA has provided a Medical Fitness For Duty Guidelines Document which TSA employees fall under.

Each employee must review these guidelines prior to declaring any FMLA status, while reviewing these guidelines when it states "Restrict" this means you may be unfit for duty. So please read over these guidelines carefully.

When submitting your FMLA medical documentation, TSA will use this medical documentation and review the medical fitness for duty guidelines to determine fitness for duty. Prior to you submitting any medical documentation declaring FMLA, contact your local 1039 union representative.

Probationary Empoloyees

If you're currently a probationary employee, please be very mindful of your sick leave usage. A vast majority of the employees that are removed during this trial period are officers with attendance issues. Unscheduled use of sick leave to be more specific, and excessive amounts of tardiness.


To spearhead this, the union suggests utilizing the shift trade process and refrain from using sick leave. Use your RDOs to schedule general medical/dental appointments. We would like to see the retention rate for the probationary employees increase to near 100 percent. 


Please contact or email any union official to assist you with your career with TSA.

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